My Spiritual Position

While my mother took me to church occasionally to get some moral training.  My father was agnostic and raised me as an agnostic.  I evolved into an atheist because I proved to myself that God did not exist.  My argument was:

  • If a loving and powerful God exist, he would be motivated to stop evil (suffering, pain, heartache, earthquake, etc.).
  • Evil exist (the innocent, widows, orphans, and weak continue to suffer and dictators continue to genocide).
  • Therefore there is no loving and powerful God – I became an Agnostic.

Later in life I considered God from a different point of view:

  • I thought that God looks down on earth and he sees all of these religious clubs (Buda club, Muslim club, Jewish club, Christian club, and all of the others) and was pretty accepting.
  • I thought that God doesn’t like the Jewish club and is angry with them (considering their history).
  • I thought that God likes the Christian club and to hell with the rest of them (considering their domination of the globe).
  • Now I hate God because the Christians are getting so much wealth and evil still exist.
  • But why would God favor one club over another without resolving the evil issue?
  • Therefore there is no God – I became an Atheist.

In my pursuit to argue with Christians over the “known Bible errors” I joined a Bible study to learn more about the Bible and show that Jesus was just a myth.  As I studied the Bible and Engineering at Louisiana Technical University, I found out that my thinking was mistaken.

When I understood the scriptural account, I found that the “club” idea and the evil assumption is not the way God deals with humans.  Rather, God looks down on a world of people he has made who are his rightful subjects in his kingdom.  Those people he has made where meant to be in a friendship with him.  Though he gave them everything that they needed to have a deep and fulfilling life, they rebelled against him. The first rebellion was in the garden and man has been rebelling against him ever since.  So now his relationship is not God with his subjects who are his friends after a fashion but rather God and his rebels.  As a result his rebels are under his condemnation.  Yet God in his love, extended mercy to his rebellious people.  God extended mercy by becoming a man himself, Jesus, and taking the punishment that was due on all of us on himself so that he could offer a free gift of forgiveness and pardon.  We can accept that pardon, or we can reject it.  If we reject the mercy he offers, we then stand alone with our own crimes before a righteous judge and we will pay for every crime we have ever committed against him.  But if we put our trust in his Messiah, in the provision that he has made, then we will be forgiven for every crime we have committed against Him.

When I understood many Laws of Science and areas of science, I concluded that evolution’s explanation about the universe, with all its planets, chemicals, energy, dust, suns, black holes, plasma, life from rocks, and more, coming from a point of singularity out of some quantum physics vacuum was more about magic than science.

I write this blog to help others think for themselves and to deduct the answer to the question: “is evolution a theory?”  While the answer seems complex, undetermined or already solved by science, I find the answer to “is evolution a theory” quite simple.  Evolution cannot be a scientific theory by definition because it is incompatible with other Laws of Science.  Something has to be incorrect.