Harry’s Engineering Theorems

I call my theorems Laws if you don’t mind.  I ask the pure scientist and my critics to forgive me as they have forgiven evolutionist for calling their “theory of evolution” a theory or even a “fact”.   The theory of evolution is neither a theory or fact as explained in this Is Evolution A Theory website.  Go to Start Here if you have just arrived to this website.  Before criticizing the below, please be intellectually honest.

  • 901.  Harry’s Law of Detour – All system upgrades, replacements, or maintenance must have a detour plan to maintain existing system traffic.
  • 902. Harry’s Law  of Project Management – All projects must have a project manager to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control, and close the project.  Innovation and high-uncertainty work comes about only through project management.  System changes do not just happen by chance, probability or rolling dice.
  • 903. Harry’s Law  of Engineering – All systems must be designed and tested (or Engineered) to achieve optimized and successful operation.  (Sometimes known as the Law of Design.)
  • 904.  Harry’s Law  of Simplicity – Everything follows simplicity or the simplest path possible.
  • 905.  Harry’s Law  of Nothingness – Don’t start nothing and won’t be nothing.
  • 906.  Harry’s Law  of Testing – Nothing works the way you planned it the first time.
  • 907.  Harry’s Law  of Communication – Intent, coding, transmission, decoding, interpreting intent, and feedback.
  • 908. Harry’s Law of Construction – Nothing can be created and then constructed without intent and purpose.
  • NOTE: Harry’s below theorems are in the work.  They are not linked because I am not ready to publish the document or webpage.  I have these Laws summarized here for 1) my working outline and 2) for your entertainment.
  • 909.  Harry’s Law of Intention – If it seems that there was intention then you have will and purpose in the background.  Nothing happens without intention; otherwise why would it happen?  (Similar to Law of End)
  • 910.  Harry’s Law of Creativity – A system remains unchanged unless a creative effort is made by an creative intentional being.
  • 911.  Harry’s Law of Explosion – Bruce Springstein’s summed up this law in one of his songs, “You can’t have a fire without a spark,”  You have to have a spark and material to explode (or expand quickly).
  • 912.  Harry’s Law of Magic – There is no such thing as magic.  Things only happen for reason.  If it looks like magic, it is deception.
  • 913.  Harry’s Law of Reality – We have to rely on our sense to identify what is real in this world of reality.  Our senses can be deceived so we have to be cautious.
  • 914.  Harry’s Law of Deception – Nature’s job is to deceive its opponents to do something other than what you want for its own preservation or end.  The end justifies the mean.
  • 915.  Harry’s Law of End – Other than natural process, like erosion or decomposition or death, nothing happens without an end result or purpose.
  • 916.  Harry’s Law of Added Value – I like this idea because nothing should be done unless it adds value.  PMP stuff.
  • 917.  Harry’s Law of Construction – Nothing can be created and used without the following construction steps: 1. Shut down the existing system. 2. Tie in the new system. 3. Burn in or test the new system.  4. Debug the new system that always has problems. and 5. Maintain the new construction.
  • 918.  Harry’s Law of Resources –  Resources are precious.  They must be used wisely and sparingly because no one has enough resources to do what they want done.
  • 919.  Harry’s Law of Probability – There is always a chance something can happen, but will it?  What is a realistic probability?  Everything we do, everything, we have in the back of our mind a probability calculation – will it work like I hope or plan?  Even when we cross the street; will I make it?
  • 920.  Harry’s Law of Evidence – Only the past needs evidence.  I am stepping out on this one but here goes; “science does not need evidence”; because science can be repeated.  The past needs evidence because we want to know what, who, when where and how the past event happened.
  • 921.  Harry’s Law of Risk – Every thing we do is a risk.  The question is balancing risk with outcome.  How risky is the thing you are considering and how risk tolerant are you?  (Similar to Law Probability)
  • 922.  Harry’s Law of Past – The past cannot be proven.  One can only present evidence at the present moment.  From the evidence, one must decide on the past event considering the probability.
  • 923.  Harry’s Law of Mating – Mating parts must be planned or coordinated; otherwise how can the parts match?
  • 924.  Harry’s Law of Procrastination – (Law of inertia)  See article at:    Regardless of who you are, you have limited time and you will not do anything until you have to by way of urgency or importance.  http://www.paulgraham.com/procrastination.html
  • 925.  Harry’s Law of Prototype – Prototypes must be designed, constructed and debugged.  And even worse, it takes a multitude of prototypes to perfect a new system.  If you don’t know this watch the history channel.
  • 926.  Harry’s Law of Breakage – When you introduce a new system something somewhere else breaks.  Example: when you put bigger wheels on your jeep, they stress the universal joint (or something else) and it breaks.
  • 927.  Harry’s Law of the Chance Tree – Chance trees and decision trees are always sideways.  If the evolution tree is about chance, it should lay sideways because if there is a chance that things go good, there is a chance or path that things will go bad.
  • 928.  Harry’s Law of Complexity – Everything turns out more complex than originally imagined.  Another way to look at this is: The Devil is in the Details.  Something outside your expectation is always impacted.  Even in science experiments, one tries to imagine all of the small things that will influence an experiment and attempt to neutralize them.
  • 929.  Harry’s Law of Remove and Replace – Things cannot always be so easily modified and often have to be removed.  Busting into a inlet structure is not easy.  Sometimes the existing is too small and we have to remove a small box and install a larger one to accommodate the new and larger pipe.  An existing curb has to be removed to accommodate a new ADA ramp.
  • 930.  Harry’s Law of Side Effects – Everything has a side effect or impact on something else.  A balanced system is balanced until something is done (an improvement) and then it is unbalance requiring more adjustments.
  • 931.  Harry’s Law of Lost Opportunity – When you go down one path you are unable to go down another path (that could have been better).   Cannot do both and we must choose one.


Life’s Laws (I am trying to bring a little humor to this website.)

  • Murphy’s Law – If anything can go wrong, it will.
  • Murphy’s Corollary – Murphy was an optimist.