The Coaches

Here are our coaches:

Jon Gindick of Los Angeles, blues guitar and harmonica, vocals
Hash Brown of Dallas, blues guitar and harmonica, vocals
Cheryl Arena of Dallas, blues harmonica and vocals
Richard Sleigh of Pennsylvania, blues harmonica, guitar, vocals
Rj Mischo, of Arkansas blues harmonica, guitar, vocals
TJ Klay of Nashville, Tennessee, guitar and harmonica,vocals

Below is a brief summary with pictures and links for each coach (resume and personal page).


Jon Gindickjon_gindick

Short summary of all of his books

Click Here if you want to read more about this great harmonica author.

TYPICAL _ The above click here link is to the web page I build for them like the one I built for you.  This is a one page resume.

Click Here if you want to go to his website.

TYPICAL – The above click here link is to their personal or business link.




Richard Sleighrichard_sleigh

A great harmonica and guitar player who customizes harmonica.

Click Here if you want to read more about this great harmonica player and customizer.

Click Here if you want to go to his website – Hot Rod Harmonica.


See the Coaches in action by clicking here and going to the Coach’s Cabaret.